musketry$51012$ - ορισμός. Τι είναι το musketry$51012$
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Τι (ποιος) είναι musketry$51012$ - ορισμός

Small Arms School; School of Musketry
  • 100px
  • Small Arms School Memorial at Hythe, Kent

  • Diagram of a 1594 Dutch musketry volley formation
  • Illustration of a 1639 Ming musketry volley formation. From Bi Maokang 畢懋康, ''Jun qi tu shuo'' ''軍器圖說'', ca. 1639.
  • 17<sup>th</sup> century bandolier
  • Early matchlocks as illustrated in the [[Baburnama]] (16th century)
  • Tanegashima]].
  • Flintlock mechanism
  • Heavy muskets, image produced 1664.
  • Iron ball mould
  • Unhyeon Palace]] with Korean cannon [[Hongyipao]] (Culverin).
  • Minié balls
Muskets; Musket ball; Boom stick; Musketball; Musketry; Musket balls; Smoothbore musket
·noun The male of the sparrow hawk.
II. Musket ·noun A species of firearm formerly carried by the infantry of an army. It was originally fired by means of a match, or matchlock, for which several mechanical appliances (including the flintlock, and finally the percussion lock) were successively substituted. This arm has been generally superseded by the rifle.
  • Diagram of a 1594 Dutch musketry volley formation
  • Illustration of a 1639 Ming musketry volley formation. From Bi Maokang 畢懋康, ''Jun qi tu shuo'' ''軍器圖說'', ca. 1639.
  • 17<sup>th</sup> century bandolier
  • Early matchlocks as illustrated in the [[Baburnama]] (16th century)
  • Tanegashima]].
  • Flintlock mechanism
  • Heavy muskets, image produced 1664.
  • Iron ball mould
  • Unhyeon Palace]] with Korean cannon [[Hongyipao]] (Culverin).
  • Minié balls
Muskets; Musket ball; Boom stick; Musketball; Musketry; Musket balls; Smoothbore musket
·noun The fire of muskets.
II. Musketry ·noun Muskets, collectively.
  • Diagram of a 1594 Dutch musketry volley formation
  • Illustration of a 1639 Ming musketry volley formation. From Bi Maokang 畢懋康, ''Jun qi tu shuo'' ''軍器圖說'', ca. 1639.
  • 17<sup>th</sup> century bandolier
  • Early matchlocks as illustrated in the [[Baburnama]] (16th century)
  • Tanegashima]].
  • Flintlock mechanism
  • Heavy muskets, image produced 1664.
  • Iron ball mould
  • Unhyeon Palace]] with Korean cannon [[Hongyipao]] (Culverin).
  • Minié balls
Muskets; Musket ball; Boom stick; Musketball; Musketry; Musket balls; Smoothbore musket
¦ noun historical an infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored and fired from the shoulder.
C16: from Fr. mousquet, from Ital. moschetto 'crossbow bolt'.


Small Arms School Corps

The Small Arms School Corps (SASC) is a small corps of the British Army, established in 1853 by Lord Hardinge. Its personnel provide advice and instruction to infantry weapon trainers throughout the army, in order to maintain proficiency in the use of small arms and support weapons, and in range management.